How to manage your energy throughout even the most stressful days
Throughout the day your energy levels can go up and down and it’s not always easy to stay in that peak state where you feel amazing and at 100%.
Many times we get triggered and feel a drain of energy by things people say or do, having to do things we really don’t want to do, not getting enough sleep, not feeling like we have enough time to do everything, not having enough support and the list goes on and on…
When these things happens you can also start to get longer term impacts on your body when stress, frustration and fears start residing in certain areas of your body and you are not releasing them regularly.
So how do you shift some of that energy throughout the day and keep your mind focused, your energy high and your body feeling great?
Here are some tips to help you maintain your energy levels that add some new angles to what you’ve probably heard before:
1. Take some deep breaths.
It sounds so simple but it really does help. But to have an even greater impact, when you breath in say or think about the feeling you want to have; like peace, focus, success, strength, rejuvenation, forgiveness, etc. Then when you breath out let go of and say the negative feeling you currently have; like frustration, anger, resentment, pain, failure, confusion, etc.
When you add words to your breathing and breath in the positive and out the negative you will start to feel those new feeling coming into your body and a releasing of tension happening as you breath out.
2. Brush it off.
Literally, get up right now and start brushing off your body by taking your hand and brushing it over your owns, your torso and all the way down your legs. Sort of like when you have black pants on and you put a white napkin on your lap at dinner and it leaves all those white lint pieces all over you and you try wiping them off. It’s like that but doing it all over your body. You can also take your fingernails and run them through your scalp.
This is an energy technique that actually releases some of the negative energy that your holding onto. As you do it you may even feel a little tingling throughout your body and you’ll feel refreshed afterwards.
3. Get up and move.
When we sit for too long our body and mind start to slow down and we are not able to focus as well and we start to get sluggish. So get up and go for a 10 minute walk or turn some of your favorite music on and dance. If you’re in an office you might need to put on some headphones and find a private place and just let yourself groove for a couple songs.
You will come back from your walk or your little dance party feeling so much more revived. Your energy will be higher and you’ll be more focused. My husband has even started playing music right before he opens his office up in the morning to see patients and the entire office has a little dance party to get them all into state before starting the day.
4. Take a shower in blessings
Being grateful has a huge impact on our outlook and mindset. I created this really easy and quick meditation I do that I call the Shower of Blessings. I close my eyes and think about being outside in the rain and I start to feel the raindrops hitting my head, my arms, my legs and all over my body. Then I start thinking of a blessing in my life that each one of those raindrops represents. Things that have happened to me that day that I am grateful for, things from yesterday, last week, last month, last year…
Then when I feel all these blessings falling on me like raindrops, I start to think about what blessings I want to receive in the future. What do I want to happen today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…
This only takes a few minutes and will leave you feeling so grateful and excited for what is to come. Adding this physical feeling to your gratitude practice makes it even more powerful.
These are just a few of the things you can do throughout your day to help you change your state and raise your energy levels.
When you find yourself getting into that place where you’ve got chronic pain or can’t get past certain frustrations or patterns in your life then you may need a little more assistance with shifting some of the energy.
As part of my coaching practice I also do energy work with my clients that has incredible impacts.
One client called it a “massage for her soul” another said she “felt an immediate sense calm and more significantly, I had complete clarity about a decision I struggled with” and another said “The daily headaches I was suffering with for years went away and I experience profound forgiveness for my family. It was an absolute miracle!”
If you’d like to learn more about how energy work might benefit you, setup a time to talk here.