Rain, Rain Go Away....

Do you ever go through times in your life that make you wonder if the craziness is ever going to stop?  If one thing isn’t going wrong, it’s another? When it rains, it pours --- and sometimes you just wish the rain would GO AWAY!

I had one of those moments recently. Everything seemed to be going wrong at the same time: long hours, tons of stress, major repairs at home, illness, and difficulties in a close friendship. All in the same week! 

I sat down at the end of the week to take a deep breath and reflect on everything that had happened.  I realized I’d been drawing in lots of negative energy--- and I needed to find a way to break that cycle. It was time to make a shift in my thinking that would begin attracting more positivity to myself and my circumstances. 

At that moment, I heard my 4-year old daughter in the other room playing and singing “Our God is healer, awesome in power. Our God, our God…” over and over again. [I didn’t even know she knew that song. I’d never heard her sing it before.] Talk about a sign from God--- and it came from my 4-year old!

Sometimes we just need a little reminder from those around us for the sun to come out. But there are other times we need more help. We need to dig deeper to learn what’s really going on to shift our thought patterns from negative to positive. 

In what area in your life are you looking to make a change or shift the energy?  Are you ready to take the next step to make it happen?

I’m here to help you in any way I can. We will find a way to make that rain go away. 

Book your free discovery call using the link below.